We’ve all been there, so much to do but so little time. It can get hard sometimes trying to juggle everything, and in return, we become overwhelmed. Then, overwhelmed turns into frustration, and before you know it, we are unmotivated to do anything. Motivation looks different for everyone and in this blog post, I want to share with you eight ways to to regain motivation when you’re unmotivated.
Set Goals
One way to stay motivated is to set goals. Setting and writing down your goals allows you to see what you need to work on visually. Once you set your goals, spread them out over time. This will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Review your goals often, and adjust where needed.

Move Your Body
Physical moving your body helps with your joints and overall health, but it doesn’t end there. I am the most productive when I have completed a early morning workout. Taking 30 minutes of an aerobic class or going for a run can help give you with that extra boost of energy you need to get going.
Drink Water

Consuming the required amount of water can be difficult for some, but I love me some H2o! I feel so accomplished when I complete my daily ounces. Drinking water helps clear your skin and your mind-okkkkk.. You need your brain to flow with thoughts and plans. When you are consistently thinking of ways to improve your goals, the motivation will soon come.
Take A Break
Where is the motivation in taking a break, you may ask. Sometimes you need to walk away and revisit what it is you’re working on at a later date. The key to taking a break is to make sure you return. Taking a couple of days to isolate yourself or indulge in self-care is always necessary.

This tip should be a given, but unfortunately, some of us don’t get the amount of rest we need. I once read in an article that a person should get at least 8-11 hours of rest. I think we all can agree that we get nowhere near that amount. If you find yourself unmotivated, try incorporating uninterrupted sleep.
Create A Routine
Creating a routine helps you to develop habits. When something is done repeatedly, it transforms into a pattern. Every morning before I begin working on any daily task I have a coffee cup. Start developing a routine.
Create A To-Do-List
Creating a to-do-list and creating a routine goes hand in hand. When you have a set of daily or weekly tasks that you can check off, you’re able to see the completion of your work. You want to be able to see your work in progress and completed, which will help you stay committed to your goals and motivate you to continue.
Have A Support System
Whenever I feel unmotivated, I always have a friend that I call on who helps get me back on track. You want those friends that are honest but understanding. People who have been where you are can offer helpful advice and can provide you with ways that have worked for them. Don’t feel that you have to go through those unmotivated spells alone. You don’t.
Finding motivation when you’re feeling unmotivated is normal.
Until next time my fabulous friends!
Related Post: https: Finding Time For Yourself