The Best Indoor Plants for Beginners

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New plant owners are popping up around the world. Newbie plant owners, like myself, who probably never in a million years thought that they would enjoy becoming plant owners. I can advise beginner plant owners not to get overwhelmed by all the plants’ variations out there. This is why I am sharing the best indoor plants for beginners. Because the experience can be overwhelming, it is a good idea to start small with plants that are easy to care for and low maintenance.

The Snake Plant- Sansevieria Trifasciata

When it comes to indoor plants for beginners, this plant is the easiest plant to have. The key to a snake plant’s survival is not to overwater. Understanding that snake plants are very low-maintenance and tough, you don’t have to worry much about their needs. So how often should you water your snake plant? I like to water my snake babies once a week in the summer, once a month, or every three weeks in the winter.

Understanding when to water your snake plant is by checking its soil. Once the top 1-2 inches of soil is completely dry, giving your plant a little H2O is safe. When it comes to sunlight, your snake plant can survive in both low or indirect bright light. I try and give my snake plants both. The more indirect sunlight you give your plant, the faster it will grow.

Avoid giving your snake plant direct sunlight, or you will risk the chance of burning the leaves. Try keeping them in a well-draining pot and a good soil mix.

Monstera Plants- Monstera Deliciosa

Another great indoor plant for beginners is the monstera plant. Also known as the swiss cheese plant and a few other names, this plant is one of my favorites! When I first purchased my monstera plant, I was so excited that I didn’t research this plant thoroughly. I’ll get into my experience a little later. The reason why a monstera plant is good for beginners is that it’s so dramatic and beautiful.

This plant thrives on medium to bright indirect light. If you want to see your monstera grow, you will have to give it both water and indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight as much as possible. If finding good lighting in your home is a challenge, you can always purchase a plant grow light system that will help give your plant more light.

Monstera plants are pretty good when it comes to their water intake. The key to watering a monstera is not to let your plant sit in wet soil. To not overwater, it’s a good idea to check the soil often. Depending on the drainage pot, check the soil often since smaller pots will need more watering than your plant in a larger pot. When the leaves start to droop, this is a sure indication that your leaves need a little more water. Once you’ve learned your plant’s needs, you will begin to enjoy them truly.

When I first purchased my monstera plant, I was overwatering it like crazy. This is why it’s important to know the type of plant you are getting and how to care for them properly. Once I repotted my plant and removed the wet soil, I was able to see this plant flourish. Despite my mistakes, I still think this indoor plant is great for beginners.

Golden Pothos- Epipremnum Aureum

The beautiful golden pathos is another easy indoor plant for beginners. This plant should be your first purchase if you want to get your feet wet with starting a plant collection. The golden pothos can tolerate many different living conditions and has beautiful green and gold leaves.

Bright indirect sunlight is best for golden pothos, but it can also thrive in low-light settings. Like the monstera plant mentioned, you should avoid placing your pathos in direct sunlight.

My experience with the golden pothos plant is to let it dry completely. When it’s time to water, I give it a nice shower and spray the leaves. If the leaves on your pothos start to wither, you’re not watering them enough. And if the leaves start to turn yellow, then you are overwatering! Try finding a balance between the two and check on your plant often. These plants will grow happily in any well-draining soil.

Birds of Paradise-Strelitzia Reginae

I can recall walking into my local Lowes and seeing these beautiful plants, and I knew I would take one of them home. This indoor plant is great for beginners. Not because it’s so gorgeous and adds so much brightness to your space, but because caring for it is easy.

Unlike the other plants I’ve mentioned, the birds of paradise love to be watered. Don’t confuse this with watering your plants daily; that’s not what I suggest. You should water this plant at least twice a week. If you’re unsure if you’re overwatering or not watering your plant enough, invest in a good moisture meter.

Since the bird of paradise is a tropical plant and thrives in bright locations, it’s important to find the right area. You must invest in a grow light if your house doesn’t let in much light. I’ve linked the one I’ve been using down below. Since this plant thrives on sunlight, you can place them outside in the summer for a couple of hours, but you should keep them indoors entirely during the winter.

Once I discovered this plant hack, my birds of paradise have been thriving.

You can purchase your plants in different ways, but I mostly purchase mine through Lowe’s and Home Depot. If you have a local nursery, you can seek them out also. There are online options, but I have yet to discover any.

Being a new plant owner does come with research and deciding on the right plants for your home. Always ensure that the plants that you have chosen are safe for animals and your family.

Until next time friends!

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