We all have done it. Set out to conquer our fitness goals, then slowly those 4-5 gym days a week turn into 2-3 days weeks, then before you know it, you have not gone to the gym in a month. Before you know it, you have fallen off the wagon. Starting over with anything is never easy. However, I found a few tips that have helped me, and I believe these tips can help you.
Through all my ups and downs, I can be honest enough and say that my circle of friends is the best. I have a close friend that I share my meltdowns with, and each time I feel discouraged I know that I can call her anytime, and she always has some positive words for me. I can recall a time recently that I was jogging on the treadmill, and this stranger walked up to me and gave me the thumbs up. Do you know how that made me feel? I felt empowered; it was very encouraging that a stranger took the time out to encourage me. THIS is what rooting for the next person means. When was the last time you received encouraging words from a friend or even a stranger?
Taking it one day at a time was hard for me. Every morning I would go to my Facebook memories, and I look at how dedicated I was. How I woke up at 3:30 a.m. to hit the gym and how I meal prepped weekly. I had to stop looking behind me. When you look behind instead of forward, you tend to lose sight of yourself. You may find yourself getting upset or even discourage. I had to remember that although I am not where I once was, I am gearing back to that person.
Another approach I am taking is to not feel bad for missing a scheduled workout. If I decide to sleep in one morning, it is ok. I make sure that I either work out that evening or plan for another day. My focus is on working out 2-3 days a week, anything over that is extra credit. This keeps me motivated and on track.
I know someone will think, “what small victories can you celebrate”? Honey, I am celebrating everything that one can possibly think of. Not hitting snooze 3 or 4 times is a celebration for me. Lol
Before hitting the gym, I tell myself, “You can do this,” I know it may not seem much, but those encouraging words to myself gives me life. I pat myself on the back often and give myself constant affirmations through my workouts. What I am saying is to be proud of you. Give yourself credit for every change behavior that you encounter. If you worked out harder than yesterday, praise yourself. I promise you; this will boost your motivation and confidence.
Meal prepping is my best friend. It helps me stay on track and focus on the meals that I have set. Plus, I hate wasting money. For example, I cook on Sunday for Monday and Tuesday; then, on Tuesday night, I prepared for the rest of the week. See how that works? Not only do I meal prep, but I plan my workout routine also. I am the person who has to know exactly what she is doing in the gym. I can’t go there and freestyle. Here’s what I mean: If I am working on legs and glutes, I have my workout plan written down. I know what specific workout I am doing and each set.
The most important thing I can do for myself is to get out of my own way. I had to learn that sometimes it’s me that is stopping me from doing my very best. There are 24 hours in the day; It is important to give my health 1 hour of fitness and change my eating habits one meal at a time.