Finding time for yourself can sometimes be challenging. Your time is usually divided between work, home, and personal life demands, and the thought of you doing something for yourself is on the back burner. So how do you change that? How do you set aside time just for yourself? For years you’ve devoted time to everyone else except yourself. You may think there isn’t enough time in the day, but here is where you are wrong, you are given 24 hours each day, and it’s up to you to carve out at least 30 minutes for yourself. Research has found that finding time for yourself is important because it can help you manage your stress and increase your happiness. I want to share my story of how I found time for myself and give you numerous ways you can do the same, starting today.

I’ve always taken the time to find new ways to enjoy my own company. I’ve dined by myself, gone to movies, and traveled alone. People thought I was crazy and assumed that I was lonely. Honestly, I could think, recharge, and become a better person when I was alone. During those times, I reconnected with myself and found new ways to be happy. I have committed to taking naps when I need to and booking staycations when I feel a need for a vacation. If you’ve never booked yourself a staycation, you should check out this blog post: How To Book Your First Staycation. This has been the go-to self-care that I commit to every quarter.
How To Make time For Yourself Without Feeling Guilty
Most times, the feeling of guilt sets in, which stops us from doing things we used to do or those things we enjoy. You’ve heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” You have to allow yourself time to recharge and refill your cup before you can fill someone else’s.” No matter what or how you recharge, taking the necessary steps to make time for yourself without feeling guilty is important. Finding time to take a break from your everyday life is okay. For instance, if you haven’t done something in a while, it’s time to stop what you’re doing, find your calendar, and plan your solo date for yourself. Is there something you’ve always wanted to do? A movie that you always wanted to see? Or a destination trip you’ve always wanted to plan? That is the time that you should go and do just that. Women, by nature, are givers; we give to everyone around us and put ourselves last. We’re so busy caring for our families or working that we never take the time out for ourselves. It’s okay to put yourself; first; there is no shame to it.
Putting yourself first is not selfish
I remember when I dropped my son off at my brother’s for the weekend and headed on a solo trip. Boy, did I enjoy myself! I booked a massage, got my nails done, and did some therapy shopping. I wrote in my journal, saw a movie, and even went to an art museum. My mind was clear. I wasn’t bogged down with things I needed to do around the house or wondering if I performed my duties the day before at work. What I found to be helpful for me were self-care, motivating, and encouraging workbooks. If you struggle with your thoughts and feelings and are unsure how to start finding yourself again, here is an amazing self-care workbook that can help- Self-Love Workbook for Women.
It’s Time To make the Time For Yourself
Where do you begin with finding time for yourself? Even if you have a crazy schedule, there are ways you can make it possible for you to start back by putting yourself first. Here are a few examples to get you started:
- Block out time for yourself each week
- Say no to others more
- Set schedules and stick to it
- Take a solo trip
- Write down achievable personal goals
- Take yourself out on a date
Although these tips may not be for everyone, it is a start. Start with a weekly or monthly routine of getting yourself back to a place of happiness and taking time for yourself. As you continue doing things that you love, you’ll understand what you enjoy and how to incorporate them into your busy schedule.
The Comments
This is a beautiful blog that encouraged me to just step out on my own and do something I want to do. I don’t want age to define my boldness to start. What advice can you give the Golden years group to enjoy life more like traveling going places and doing things for themselves without reservation.
> LouiseHi Louise! Remember age is just a number. No matter your age you can still learn something new. Find something new that sparks your interest and just do it. We tend to talk ourselves out of things because of fear. Don’t let fear defeat you. It’s ok to be free in your golden years.