Gemini Naturals is a temporary hair color gel that defines your curls. After my hair was color damaged, I swore that I would never put any more color in my hair again. But then I learned about Gemini Naturals, and I was instantly interested in giving this product a try.
First Time
Earlier this year, I decided to try my hand at the temporary color Sunset by Gemini Naturals, hoping to spice my curls up a little without going overboard. I honestly had no idea how the color gel worked and what style would be best to try. Without thoroughly researching, I was unhappy with the results. The color gel was not the blame for my disappointment; I genuinely think I didn’t apply the product correctly. I did what any other natural hair girl would do, I put the product back in my natural hair product stash.
There’s Always Room for a Second Chance

Recently I decided to give the Gemini Naturals Color Gel- Sunset another try. I am so glad I did; I loved my results! The key factor that I noticed was the color gel covered a few of my gray strands. As far as the transfer of product to my clothing, there wasn’t any. No staining what so ever once the product dried on my hair.
Check out my full video here.
Have you ever tried temporary color gel? Let me know in the comments.
Read more about My Natural Hair Journey