As an influencer, you have so much to do and not enough time to do it, so it seems. In this blog post, I will share ways to manage your time as an influencer and not become overwhelmed. Because finding time, or should I say making the time to create content, write blog posts, plan photoshoots, etc., can be challenging. That’s why it’s important as an influencer to be committed.
What Is Time Management
Time management is the process of planning and implementing how much time to spend on a specific activity. Utilizing your time better allows you to get more done throughout the day and, in this case, in a particular time frame. Who doesn’t want to get more done in a shorter time?
Setting Realistic Goals To Help Manage Your Time
Let’s be honest; we all have goals we want to accomplish but never meet. This is because we’re too busy trying to tackle the ultimate goal instead of breaking that goal into smaller digestible mini-goals. But as an influencer, you must set realistic goals to help you manage your time better.
Here’s an example of what I mean. Let’s say you’re ready to start your blog; starting your blog is the ultimate goal (the big goal). Now, let’s break that big goal down into minor attainable daily or weekly tasks like the below:
To- Do | Length of time |
Brainstorm a niche | 5-7 days |
Research themes | 4 days |
Draft a few blog posts 3-5 | 4 weeks |
Create important blog pages | 7 days |
Blog Start Date | 90 days |
See how it’s broken down into weekly tasks? Allow yourself enough time on each task so you’re not overwhelmed and can complete each task without stress or pressure. A good process is to set a calendar reminder on your phone or physically write your task in your calendar.
Block Schedule To Help Manager Your Time
Creating a schedule allows you to see what you need to get done and within what time frame. Because I work full-time, I must make a schedule that works around my current job. Typically, I complete most of my tasks on the weekend, but since then, I have developed a schedule that allows me to meet some tasks during the week. You can create a schedule through your Google calendar or be like me and use the old fashion way-pen to a planner. Because I am a visual person, physically writing things down allows me to see what I am getting done. No matter your preference, be sure that it works! Here’s an example of my schedule:
Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Sun |
4:30 am- 7:30 | 4:30 am- 7:30 | 4:30 am- 7:30 | 4:30 am- 7:30 | 4:30 am- 7:30 | 5:00 am- 8:00 | 8:00 am-11:00 |
12:00 pm-1:00 | 12:00 pm-1:00 | 12:00 pm-1:00 | 12:00 pm-1:00 | 12:00 pm-1:00 | 2:00 pm-5:00 | 3:00 pm-6:00 |
6:00 pm-7:00 | 6:00 pm-7:00 | 6:00 pm-7:00 | 6:00 pm-7:00 | 6:00 pm-7:00 |
The block schedule allows me to group and tackle similar tasks at once. Within the block time frame, I break down each task into segments so that I’m not saturated with one big task during that time.

Limit Distractions As An Influencer
Distractions, distractions! Depending on what you’re hoping to get completed, you may need to close yourself off in a room or visit a nearby coffee shop for quietness. Limiting distractions helps you with your goals and gives you a sense of accomplishment when you can complete them on time.
For example, if your goal is to batch a few blog posts during a set period, it might be easier for you to close yourself off and create a ‘do not disturb sign to hang on your door to ensure that you’re not interrupted. Because knowing what to limit takes identifying the distractions, it’s a good idea to narrow them down as soon as possible. If listening to music or phone calls causes a distraction for you, turning your phone off while tackling your task can help.
Just Say No
You may find it hard to believe, but no is a complete sentence! To manage your time better as a blogger, influencer, and content creator, you must turn down those girls’ nights out and other events. The hardest thing to do is to say no to those friends or family members. It’s important and crucial that you evaluate how you spend your time. Is the event or opportunity worth your time and effort? Or could you use that time to tackle your to-do list? Remember, your time is valuable and should not be wasted no matter what or who it is. Thriving as an influencer means setting expectations and boundaries and learning to say no.
If you struggle with being consistent as an influencer, I wrote a blog post about it! Time management and being consistent goes hand in hand. How to Stay Consistent as an Influencer.
❌ Multi-Tasking❌
You might think it’s easier to tackle many things at once, but I hate to break your heart; it’s not a good idea for us bloggers and influencers. Multitasking is a huge waste of our time. Here’s why I say this, it’s easy to get caught up in juggling all the different things you have to do, but when you do this, you lose sight of what’s important. Try focusing on what you’re currently working on, then move on to another project afterward. If need be, take a break in-between to catch up on anything that causes you any distractions or urgent things.
Nightly Recap
As your day come to an end, take a look back on your day. Did you accomplish your to-do list? Was there something you spent too much time on? When you sit and review how your day was, you can identify any current or future issues that may occur. The purpose of your nightly recap is to create a schedule or system that works for you. There’s always room for adjustments, so don’t be afraid to pinpoint what works and what doesn’t.
Prioritize Your To-Do-List
Creating a trackable daily to-do list has been one of the most beneficial things I have done for my content schedule. When you make a to-do list, you can break down all the things required and spread them across your schedule. Because your to-do list can overwhelm you if you’re not careful, it’s important to prioritize your list. Take what’s most important and work your way down to what’s least important. This way, what is not a top priority can be moved to the next day or completed later.
Use a Calendar or Planner To Help Manage Your Time
Whether you’re a digital or physical planner, you won’t be able to manage your time better as an influencer if you’re not tracking what you’re doing. As I mentioned, I’m a visual person; seeing things laid out helps me stay on track.
Unless you are working with a team of people, I suggest using a physical calendar or planner. Since I love physical planners, the Erin Condren Life Planner has the best layout to help me stick to my routine better and allows me to manage my to-do list better. This route lets you keep track of your process, and everything is right in front of you. If you are working with a team, Trello is a great digital calendar that everyone can use on your team and will help keep track of who is working on what projects. There’s no getting around it; you’ll need something to house your tasks, projects, and process.
Outsourcing Your Content As An Influencer
Another way to manage your time as an influencer is to outsource what you can. What is outsourcing? Outsourcing is when you hire someone to do something for you instead of you doing them yourself. You don’t necessarily have to outsource parts of your business; you can easily outsource things in your personal life.
If you’re a hands-on person and enjoy the ends and outs of blogging and content creation, why not outsource the parts of your life that you dislike, i.e., laundry or cooking? But if you feel that you can handle those things, here are a few things you can outsource for your influencing platform:
- Email list
- Website edits
As an influencer, you have to be disciplined when it comes to managing your time. You’re not always going to get it right, and there’ll be some adjustments along the way, but with the right tips, you are well on your way to managing your time better.