You’ve probably read countless blog posts, but I assure you that you will want to read this one. As a newbie, you’re probably seeing information on how to make money as a new blogger, how to increase traffic to your blog, and so on. But before you start reading those blog posts, I want to share with you 10 mistakes you should avoid as a new blogger. Let’s dive in.
Mistake #1 Using A Free Hosting Site
The first mistake I made as a new blogger was starting my blog on a free hosting site to save me money. But in actuality, I was spending more money! Free hosting sites are those like-, blogger, and tumbler. I had my blog on and was using the business plan- which was not cheap. When you have your blog on a free platform, you have no control over your content! Not to mention that these platforms can shut you down if you violate any rules, or you can lose your content if the platform is sold. All of the hard work you put into your blog could be gone!
If you want your blog to thrive and eventually make money as a blogger, do what I did and use a self-hosted platform. When you are on a self-hosted platform, you’re opening your blog to the world. Who doesn’t want more readers, right? Bluehost is the self-hosting platform I am using, and I haven’t looked back.

Mistake # 2 Spending Too Much Money Too Soon
As a new blogger, starting a new blog and getting all the bells and whistles that come along with it can be exciting. But before you begin spending unnecessary money, I want to share a few free apps you can use for your website.
- Elementor- A great WordPress editor for your blog
- Tailwind- Very useful for scheduling your Pinterest pins
- Canva-Amazing way to design your graphics yourself
- PayPal- Payout for any earned commission
- Later- Auto-published your Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest post
These tools are beneficial as you begin your journey as a blogger. If you’re going to spend money, I suggest spending it on learning tools. You don’t have to sign up for every e-course or blogging course, but spending a few dollars on courses is a great start if you don’t have the time or would like to get ahead in the blogging world.
Mistake #3 Using A Free Theme
Another mistake to avoid as a new blogger is using a free theme. Not all themes are made equal. When you want to attract new readers and retain the ones you already have, your presentation is vital; who would want to come to your blog if it isn’t pleasing to the eye? Your blog should be easy to navigate and easy to read. You could use the premium themes that your provider offers, or you could purchase your own. I bought the theme for my blog through Etsy! It was an incredible $30 well spent. Etsy has awesome templates that come with instructions and are customizable.

Mistake #4 Not Having A Schedule
Another mistake that new bloggers make is not having a calendar! Whether you use an editorial calendar or a physical planner, you need to plan your content. Having a planner or editorial calendar helps you stay focused and keeps you on track daily, weekly, and even monthly. The difference between an editorial calendar and a planner is not much. An editorial calendar is digital, and a planner is a pen to paper. That’s about it!
You can plan your blogging schedule weekly, monthly, or even yearly. I typically plan my schedule monthly and break it down weekly to stay on track and not have too many tabs open in my brain.
Mistake #5 Only In it For The Money
One known mistake new bloggers should avoid is starting their blog only to make money. If this is your mindset, in the beginning, I want you to think long and hard about why you are starting your blog. I am not saying that it’s impossible to make money as a new blogger because it’s not, but I am saying that your purpose of starting your blog should have meaning and purpose. Believe me, if you create your blogging content the right way and enjoy what you do, the money will come.
Mistake #6 Not Utilizing Google Analytics
When I started my blog, I had no idea about the importance of having Google Analytics for my platform. Having Google analytics is important because it shows you where your readers are coming from and what those readers are most interested in on your blog. Google Analytics is needed, especially if you want your blog to make money. Understanding your data at first can be difficult, but it will become more manageable once you spend some time looking at your setup. I typically look at my analytics monthly, which helps me determine what next month’s blog posts should be.
Mistake #7 No Content Strategy
Another big mistake new bloggers should avoid is not having a content strategy. You woke up one morning and decided that you were going to start a blog. Is this you? I understand because this was me when I first created my blog, but I learned quickly that I needed a content strategy. So what is a content strategy? A content strategy is a process you use to plan, create, and deliver your content. Once you clearly understand your goals, you can then break those down into more digestible small goals. When it comes to having a content strategy, you should be able to answer these few questions easily:
- Why did I start my blog?
- Who are my readers?
- What information can I give to my readers of value?
- What is my purpose, vision, and plan for my blog?
Mistake #8 Not Re-Investing In Your Blog
I can’t stress the importance of re-investing in your blog. Now, I know I said you should avoid spending too much money too soon as a new blogger but there is a huge difference between the two. Re-investing in your blog could be updating your previous blog post or enrolling in a course that could help you improve as a blogger. You want your blog always to remain fresh with new ideas and looks.
Mistake #9 Not Treating Your Blog As A Business
Every new blogger should avoid this mistake, and that is not treating your blog as a business. The first step in correcting this mistake is to have the right mindset. You won’t get very far if you treat your blog as an afterthought or a hobby. As a new blogger, you should brainstorm ideas on your blog’s vision, goals, tools, niche, and name. The sooner you start treating your blog as a business, the more you invest in it. Making money should be your end goal but not your sole purpose.
Yes, you should have a business plan for your blog! When you treat your blog as a business from the start, you’ll be more appreciative of what you started. Take the time to think of ways to turn your blog into a profitable business. Once you start treating your blog as a business, you’ll value your blog more. The first step in treating your blog as a business is to start changing your mindset. Once you begin inhabiting a business mindset, it’ll come naturally to you daily.
Mistake #10 Not Being Consistent
At first, you’re excited about all the ideas you have in your head, and you can’t wait to start blogging. But then, life happens, and you lose focus on your purpose of creating your blog in the first place! It’s ok! You can’t think about blogging daily; you need a balance, my friend. But the number one reason why you’re not consistent is that you don’t have a system.
Having a system that works for your schedule will help you plan better. Start with your end goal and work your way back. First, write down any attainable short-term goals that will give you the result of your big goal. Next, brainstorm any blog ideas, research those ideas, and use your analytics to help you decide what your readers enjoy. Once you have determined what to write about, dedicate a few hours to writing your blog posts. Once you get into the habit of having a routine, you’ll find it easier to be consistent.
Here is a short recap of the mistakes you should avoid:
- Using a free hosting site
- Spending too much money too soon
- Using a free theme
- Not having a schedule
- Only in it for the money
- Not utilizing Google analytics
- No contents strategy
- Not re-investing in your blog
- Not treating your blog as a business
- Not being consistent
Well, there you have it, my friends. 10 mistakes to avoid as a new blogger. Which mistake have you made as a new blogger? Let me know in the comments.
Check out this blog post: How To Plan a Brand Photoshoot.