Katelynn Morris

How to Find Your Target Audience as an Influencer

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Writing blog posts, creating content, and reaching your goals can be challenging if you’re unsure who you are targeting. Understanding your target audience is the key to growth. Before making money as an influencer, you must know the audience you are catering to. So how do you find your target audience? In this blog post, I will share how to find your target audience as an influencer.

What Is A Target Audience

A target audience is a group of people interested in what you say. In other words, those are the people that need your help. Your target audience is based on age, color, gender, location, and interest; you want to create content for the right audience. The audience that cares about what you have to say. You don’t want to create content just because- you want to create content for the right people. It’s also important to identify your niche. When you identify your niche, it’s much easier to market your content to the target audience interested in the type of content you create.

Infographic of how to find your target audience

Why Finding Your Target Audience Is Important

Most influencers think that their purpose in creating content is to reach everyone. You can’t possibly reach everyone! You must narrow your focus to your key audience and develop a good content strategy. Finding your target audience to create the right content for the right people is important.

Everyone should want to be better as an influencer. If you’re considering selling physical products or providing your services, you want to cater to those who will buy them. When you create content for the right people, you understand what your audience needs from you.

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How To Find Your Target Audience

There are plenty of ways that you can find your target audience. One way is by creating an audience persona. An audience persona is a person you’ve created to help you find your target audience.

Your persona should be created with the five W’s in mind: Who, what, where, why, and when. Be specific with your persona. You should be able to identify these points:

  • Is this persona a female or male?
  • How is their personality?
  • What does their family look like?
  • Are there pain points?
  • What challenges do they have?

When creating an audience persona, you can write blog posts and create content around that person.

Email List

What are you waiting for if you don’t have an email list? Start treating your brand as a business; creating an email list is the first step. You need to know who those people are to get in front of the right people. An email list is a great way to create content by surveying already interested people.

Don’t be afraid to ask them what they want to see from you. To start with your email list, create content based on your experiences and troubles. Then from there, create a free download. This could be a detailed blog post, tips & tricks, or quick how-tos. It doesn’t have to be long and drown out you’re trying to get people on your email list! From there, you can grow your list and give your readers and followers more of their needs.

Study Your Opponent To Find Your Target Audience

When finding your target audience as an influencer, you should look at others in the same niche. What are the things that other influencers are talking about? Is it working for them? Studying your opponent isn’t to copy them but to learn and take snippets of what works for them.

Here is what I mean. Because my niche is beauty, lifestyle, and blogging content, I would want to look at other influencers with the same niche and a broader social media audience. If they have a blog, I will check out it too, and I will study how well their content is doing and what their audience loves about it. Now don’t go copying their content entirely. Because it’s not only morally wrong, but you could get into deep trouble.

Because most people will have the same problems, it’s a good idea to write down those things you’ve learned from your opponent. When you discover your audience’s issues, you can create content for them.

Social Media

What is the easiest way to find your target audience as an influencer? Social Media! Social media is the gatekeeper to finding new people to target. If you’re not using social media to promote your brand as an influencer, you’re not utilizing the various platforms to your advantage.

Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all great sources when searching for your target audience. Use your analytics to get gauge what people are interested in. For example, if you’re a fashion influencer, you would want to pay close attention to how your audience reacts to your fashion post, videos, and stories.

Look at all data from each platform to see where there is interest and continue to create quality content around that. Not to mention using relative hashtags to gain new eyes on you. Because hashtags are a great way to gain new followers, using the appropriate hashtags is even more important.

Solve A Problem

What problems can you solve for your audience? This is why you’re creating content to find more people whose problems you can help solve. If someone is looking for tips on finding their target audience, I can help. How? Because I have written a blog post that a.) identifies a problem and b.) gives them helpful solutions. I have now become a problem solver. This is the goal.

To continuously find your target audience, you must provide a solution to their problems. The more problems you can solve, the more people will be likely to come to you to get their problems solved. The goal is to build on the content that you have already created.

Benefits Of Having The Right Target Audience

Having the right audience to speak to allows you not to waste your time creating content. Wasting time on those who aren’t interested in what you have to say prevents you from creating content that no one wants to see!

The benefit of finding the right target audience as an influencer is that you can focus your content on those who need it, and you’ll have a more effective marketing strategy. Eliminate those who won’t bring value to your offer because they’re not your target audience.

Target Audience Vs Actual Audience

Although your target audience and your actual audience are very similar, there are a few differences. As I’ve stated, your target audience is people with problems you can solve, and the difference between the two is that your audience purchases your products or services.

Maybe you aren’t selling any products you can still identify your audience. Let’s say you’ve created a blog post you think people would like and then promoted it on your social media platforms. Your target audience would still benefit from your writing because the blog post was created with them in mind. They may not read your blog post then, and some may not read it at all.

Your audience would be those that head over to your blog and read what you wrote because they’re looking for their problems to be solved. This audience will purchase from you if you decide to sell a product or service. They believe in what you say and trust your guidance.

When finding your target audience, you must look at your data. Numbers don’t lie. Knowing what people are interested in will help you to create content for those that need it.

Until next time friends!

Check out this recent blog post, How To Pitch Successfully As An Influencer.

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