If you’re looking for a sign to ditch your husband and travel with other women, here it is! It’s mind-blowing to me the number of times I have heard other women say they can’t or don’t like to travel with other women. I get it; some women can be catty, but when you find the right group of women to travel with, your long-awaited girls’ trip can be fun. You’ve heard the saying no new friends, but that motto has quickly been forgotten in life because your circle of women friends changes as you age. In the past, I have heard women say that they don’t have girlfriends or don’t like socializing with other women, and I always wonder if they’re the problem in their friendships with other women. If you’re the type of woman that stick to only couples’ trips, you’re missing out on the fun, honey! I’ve had some amazing experiences with other women and have learned much about myself while traveling with other women. So let’s dive into the 4 reasons you should travel with other women.
Women Make Excellent Travel Partners
First, let me say there is nothing wrong with taking trips with your significant other or family. I have traveled solo, with other couples, my family, and my husband, but my best vacations have been with other women. But I have found that women make the best traveling buddies. There’s nothing wrong with experiencing trips with your family or husband, but we all know that guys are too impatient. And with social media being our go-to source for photos, we need someone who will snap decent pictures of us! When you travel with other women, they can capture all those pictures for you! Traveling with other women allows you to escape the everyday working world and house duties and will enable you to connect with other women on a more personal level. I’m not saying that you should always travel with other women, but you need time with your friends now and then.
Cut down costs on your travel expenses
Another reason why you should travel with other women is to save money! When it comes to cost, traveling with other women is just cheaper. Here’s why. Traveling with your significant other or family leaves you with a hefty bill for food, lodging, and activities. Trust me; those small bills do add up. On the other hand, when you travel with other women, you only have to worry about your portion of the bill and your lodging expenses. It’s so much cheaper taking a trip with your girls vs. when you’re traveling with your family. If you’re looking for new ways to save money on travel, I wrote a blog post to help! How To Make Your Travel Budget Stretch
Traveling With Other Women can be Good For Your Mental Health
If you’ve been around for a while, you know I’m an advocate of mental health. Traveling with other women can spark conversations, create a trusting atmosphere, and offer a sense of togetherness among women. You can also share experiences that you probably wouldn’t share if you were with your spouse or family. I firmly believe in having quality women surrounding you and supporting you to maintain a healthy mindset.
Time Spent Away From The Family
As a woman that wears many hats, I know all too well how stressful it can be to take care of a family. Often, we can consume ourselves with our family, and we forget that we need a break. Taking a break from your family doesn’t mean you are selfish; you need time to rest, rejuvenate and create a better mental state. This is where traveling with other women comes in. They can help you forget what’s going on and help you enjoy some needed girls’ time. When traveling with other women, you can wake up in your own time and not worry about cooking or doing those chores around the house.
Another bonus when traveling with other women is that other women make the best shopping buddies. I don’t know how often I saw the urgency in my husband’s eyes when we went shopping, and I felt so rushed! But, when you enjoy a pleasant shopping excursion with other women, you don’t have to worry about that. And they can give you their honest opinion on those cute clothes you’ve chosen.
Chats And Laughs
Who doesn’t like those intimate girl chats? It doesn’t matter what the topic of conversation could be marriage, singleness, relationship, whatever; traveling with other women is the perfect time to pour your heart out and get some meaningful advice. Laughter is so good for the soul! Some of my best getaways have been time away with my girls. I’ve never laughed so hard, and I can always be myself around them. The most exciting part is that you’ll get a chance to see a different side of your friends, and they will get an opportunity to see a different you. Traveling with other women lets you let your hair down and not worry about being in mommy or wifey mode all the time.
There you have it, friends! I hope this encourages you to pick up the phone and plan your next vacation with a few of your quality friends. And don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, where you can see all of the action daily.