Katelynn Morris

How To Create a Skincare Routine

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Creating a skincare routine can be difficult for most women, but luckily, a skincare routine can be achievable in 5 easy steps! Since there are plenty of products on the market, it can be challenging to decide which products are best for your skin. When you have a solid skincare routine, you will become more familiar with the right products that work well for your skin and others that don’t.

You must understand something as a beginner; you don’t need a lot of products to create a skincare routine, no matter what you see on Instagram. Our skin is unique to us, and what works for my skin may not necessarily work for yours. Once you recite this in your head, the easier things will be. Before I share how you can create a skincare routine, you must understand your skin type; as you get older, your skin changes, so whether you had oily skin as a young adult, your skin may be different as you’ve aged.

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Info-graphic how to create a skincare routine for beginners

Step-1 Cleansers

The first step and most important one is cleansing your skin. Cleansing helps clear your pores and rid your skin of any leftover makeup or products on your skin. This step will help manage any oil build-up and prevent your skin from pimples, blackheads, and dirt. Cleansing your skin first prepares the skin for the layering of other products. It’s important not to skip this step, no matter how bad you want to. One significant fact when it comes to cleansing your face is that many women assume that makeup wipes will get rid of all the dirt and makeup you may have worn from the day, and if I must be honest, they will not. Most women think that cleansing their skin multiple times a day is needed to have healthy skin, and it isn’t. You don’t need to be that extra, and once or twice a day is all you need for healthy skin.

A few cleansers to check out

STEP-2 Toners

Growing up, you may have used harsh toners as I did. Toners back then were made up of alcohol that would dry your skin out, but thankfully things have changed, and you can now give your skin the extra dose of nutrients it needs. Toners can help remove any leftover dirt that your cleanser may have forgotten. Most importantly, don’t forget your hairline area. Toners can come in handy with getting rid of the remaining dirt off your face and near your hairline.

Toners for most skin types

STEP- 3 Serums

Serums are the most expensive when it comes to creating a skincare routine. Why? Because it addresses specific issues that you have with your skin. If you’re unsure about the type of serums you should purchase, you can never go wrong with an antioxidant serum. You may have heard of Vitamin C, which is a daytime brightening serum that most people can use on their skin without causing skincare concerns. Do your research on the best types of serums for your skin, or speak with your dermatologist.

Take a look at these serums

Step-4 Moisturizers

Never I repeat, never skip this step. You may think that moisturizing your skin, especially if you already have oily skin, is unheard of, but every woman needs moisture, no matter her skin type. Moisturizing your skin doesn’t make it oily; it helps hydrate your skin. This is why this step in your skincare routine is important.

Check out these moisturizers from Sephora

Step- 5 Sunscreen

Sunscreen is by far the most forgotten step in every skincare routine. Sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer, wrinkles, and fine lines, and it can also help reduce the appearance of pores. The best way to get the full effect of sunscreen is to use it daily. Although some moisturizers contain a % of sunscreen as an ingredient, it can be less effective, in my opinion, than using a dedicated sunscreen product.

Sunscreen products for you to try

In conclusion, there is no one-size-fits-all for finding the right products for your skin; it’s important to choose products for your specific skin type. Let me know your favorite step in your skincare routine in the comments.

Check out this post: 6 Easy Steps to a Natural Glam.

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